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How to Message Guests

If you have created a Ceremony event, or if you’ve been made an admin, you can send a push notification to every event guest in seconds! It’s a great way to communicate event details, changes in plans, venue directions, and more with every guest at once.


How to Send a Message:


1. Open your Ceremony event.


2. Tap the Messages button in the Event Menu.

3. Tap Send a New Message.

4. Type your message and press Send.


You’ll be asked to confirm. Then, your message is off!


Message Notifications:


Once you send a message, your guests will receive a push notification on their devices. It’s identical to the notification they’d see when receiving a Facebook or Instagram message. Tapping the notification will open Ceremony and display your message.


Guests cannot send messages, but they can choose to turn notifications off if they don’t want to hear from you. That’s pretty rare, but they do have the option.


If you have any questions about invitations, or anything else in Ceremony, shoot us a note at



How to Invite Guests 

How to Schedule Events 

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